Optia Scan System

PDF of the Optia Scan System

OPTIA is the new software designed by Libellula for the reduction and the digitisation of scarps.

Linked to the cutting software Libellula.WIZARD, it allows an extraordinary simplification of metal sheet scarps recovery process, optimising the time as well as working profit. After many years of research by Libellula Engineers, OPTIA is the perfect solution to reduce scraps created from sheet metal cutting in a simple and intuitive way; this software in fact can be used autonomously by the cutting machine operator without any interventions from technical department.

  • The digital acquisition of scraps profile is done by a webcam optical system, which is able to acquire and to convert a real scrap scenario into a virtual 2D schematic representation.
  • Through the positioning of a webcam in proximity of a workbench (machine or an external acquisition station), OPTIA acquires a video streaming which is elaborated in real-time and used to get the image of metal sheet scraps.
  • The process elaborates and placed the acquired images in order to recognise the geometrical shape of sheet metal and also to save it for its representation in full- scale on the nesting cutting software Libellula.WIZARD

OPTIA offers two operative ways for the nesting elaboration:

  • Creation of an automatic nesting on the discretised metal sheet KeyShot: photo-realistic rendering
  • Use of manual nesting on real photographic representation of metal sheet

Once the nesting is finished, the system will create automatically the NC program which could be not immediately executed before

The scraps digitalisation with OPTIA is possible in any workshop context

  • If the metal sheet is acquired directly on board machine, the NC program will be directly used by the machine to make the cutting.
  • Instead if the metal sheet is acquired on a station external the machine, the system will be equipped by a second webcam ables to get the position and the guideline of metal sheet positioned on board machine

The system automatically will elaborate again the NC program in order to adapt it to the new metal sheet position and it will be sent to the machine for cutting. It’s possible to avoid the machine uprodutivity related to the downtime of acquisition and preparation of NC program.